About the Association
The Fish Creek Watershed Association (FCWA) is a watershed stewardship group that is comprised of local residents and landowners.
Fish, Priddis and Whiskey creeks and their watershed shall have excellent quality and quantity of water to ensure human, agricultural and business needs, with healthy riparian areas and fish habitat.
This citizen-led association is committed to protecting the Fish Creek watershed through citizen action for the prevention of adverse impacts, education, monitoring and advocacy to sustain water quality and quantity in perpetuity.
Watershed stewardship groups were named as part of Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy (2008) partnership that includes the provincial Alberta Water Council (AWC) and regional Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPAC).
The FCWA’s mission is guided by the watershed management continuum. The continuum begins with building partnerships and characterizing watershed conditions through the compilation and assessment of research, reports and other knowledge. This information, including additional details about the management continuum, is available in our resources area.
Board Members
Andrew Pearson
Barb Wright
David Swann
Doug Weston
Ed Kujat
Lindsay Brown
Peter Adams
Peter Swann
Russell Walker
Téo Adams
Collaborators and Stakeholders
FCWA works with a diverse group of collaborators and stakeholders to act out our mission.
Funding Partners
Technical Advisory Group
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Formerly the Ministry of Environment and ProtectedGreg van Soest
Alberta Forestry, Parks and Tourism
Formerly the Ministry of Forestry and ParksErica Samis
Bow River Basin Council
Mike Murray
Cows and Fish
Kathryn Hull
Foothills County
Harry Riva Cambrin
Jeff Edgington
Suzanne Oel
Rocky View County
Matt Chilakos
Spray Lakes Sawmills
Jason Mogilefsky
Trout Unlimited Canada
Elliot Lindsay
Tsuut’ina Nation
Logan One Spot
Peter Crane